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This module is rated as beta, and is ready for widespread use. It is still new and should be used with some caution to ensure the results are as expected. |
This module implements {{chem2}}. Please see its documentation for details.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {} -- module's table
local am = {} -- Elements with wiki links
am.Na="[[Sodium|Na]]";am.Mg="[[Magnesium|Mg]]";am.Al="[[Aluminium |Al]]";am.Si="[[Silicon|Si]]";am.P="[[Phosphorus|P]]";am.S="[[Sulfur|S]]";am.Cl="[[Chlorine|Cl]]";am.Ar="[[Argon|Ar]]";
am.Cs="[[Caesium|Cs]]";am.Ba="[[Barium|Ba]]";am.La="[[Lanthanum|La]]";am.Ce="[[Cerium|Ce]]";am.Pr="[[Praseodymium|Pr]]";am.Nd="[[Neodymium|Nd]]";am.Pm="[[Promethium|Pm]]";am.Sm="[[Samarium|Sm]]";am.Eu="[[Europium|Eu]]";am.Gd="[[Gadolinium|Gd]]";am.Tb="[[Terbium|Tb]]";am.Dy="[[Dysprosium|Dy]]";am.Ho="[[Holmium|Ho]]";am.Er="[[Erbium|Er]]";am.Tm="[[Thulium|Tm]]";am.Yb="[[Ytterbium|Yb]]";am.Lu="[[Lutetium|Lu]]";am.Hf="[[Hafnium|Hf]]";am.Ta="[[Tantalum|Ta]]";am.W="[[Tungsten|W]]";am.Re="[[Rhenium|Re]]";am.Os="[[Osmium|Os]]";am.Ir="[[Iridium|Ir]]";am.Pt="[[Platinum|Pt]]";am.Au="[[Gold|Au]]";am.Hg="[[Mercury (element)|Hg]]";am.Tl="[[Thallium|Tl]]";am.Pb="[[Lead|Pb]]";am.Bi="[[Bismuth|Bi]]";am.Po="[[Polonium|Po]]";am.At="[[Astatine|At]]";am.Rn="[[Radon|Rn]]";
local T_ELEM = 0 -- token types
local T_NUM = 1 -- number
local T_OPEN = 2 -- open '('
local T_CLOSE = 3 -- close ')'
local T_PM_CHARGE = 4 -- + or –
local T_WATER = 6 -- .xH2O x number
local T_CRYSTAL = 9 -- .x
local T_CHARGE = 8 -- charge (x+), (x-)
local T_SUF_CHARGE = 10 -- suffix and charge e.g. 2+ from H2+
local T_SUF_CHARGE2 = 12 -- suffix and (charge) e.g. 2(2+) from He2(2+)
local T_SPECIAL = 14 -- starting with \ e.g. \d for double bond (=)
local T_SPECIAL2 = 16 -- starting with \y{x} e.g. \i{12} for isotope with mass number 12
local T_ARROW_R = 17 -- match: ->
local T_ARROW_EQ = 18 -- match: <->
local T_UNDERSCORE = 19 -- _{ ... }
local T_CARET = 20 -- ^{ ... }
local T_NOCHANGE = 30 -- Anything else like ☃
function su(up, down) -- like template:su
if (down == "") then
return "<span style=\"display:inline-block; margin-bottom:-0.3em; vertical-align:0.8em; line-height:1.2em; font-size:70%; text-align:left;\">" .. up .. "<br /></span>";
return "<span style=\"display:inline-block; margin-bottom:-0.3em; vertical-align:-0.4em; line-height:1.2em; font-size:70%; text-align:left;\">" .. up .. "<br />" .. down .. "</span>";
function DotIt()
return ' <span style="font-weight:bold;">·</span> '
function item(f) -- (iterator) returns one token (type, value) at a time from the formula 'f'
local i = 1
local first = "true";
return function ()
local t, x = nil, nil
if (first == "true" and f:match('^[0-9]', i)) then
x = f:match('^[%d.]+', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; i = i + x:len(); -- matching coefficient (need a space first)
elseif i <= f:len() then
x = f:match('^%s+[%d.]+', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; -- matching coefficient (need a space first)
if not x then x = f:match('^%s[+]', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; end -- matching + (H2O + H2O)
if not x then x = f:match('^%&%#[%w%d]+%;', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; end -- &#...;
if not x then x = f:match('^%<%-%>', i); t = T_ARROW_EQ; end -- matching <->
if not x then x = f:match('^%-%>', i); t = T_ARROW_R; end -- matching ->
if not x then x = f:match('^%u%l*', i); t = T_ELEM; end -- matching symbols like Aaaaa
if not x then x = f:match('^%d+[+-]', i); t = T_SUF_CHARGE; end -- matching x+, x-
if not x then x = f:match('^%d+%(%d*[+-]%)', i); t = T_SUF_CHARGE2; end -- matching x(y+/-), x(+/-)
if not x then x = f:match('^%(%d*[+-]%)', i); t = T_CHARGE; end -- matching (x+) (xx+), (x-) (xx-)
if not x then x = f:match('^[%d.]+', i); t = T_NUM; end -- matching number
if not x then x = f:match('^[(|{|%[]', i); t = T_OPEN; end -- matching ({[
if not x then x = f:match('^[)|}|%]]', i); t = T_CLOSE; end -- matching )}]
if not x then x = f:match('^[+-]', i); t = T_PM_CHARGE; end -- matching + or -
if not x then x = f:match('^%*[%d.]*H2O', i); t = T_WATER; end -- Crystal water
if not x then x = f:match('^%*[%d.]*', i); t = T_CRYSTAL; end -- Crystal
if not x then x = f:match('^[\\].{%d+}', i); t = T_SPECIAL2; end -- \y{x}
if not x then x = f:match('^[\\].', i); t = T_SPECIAL; end -- \x
if not x then x = f:match('^_{[^}]*}', i); t = T_UNDERSCORE; end -- _{...}
if not x then x = f:match('^\^{[^}]*}', i); t = T_CARET; end -- ^{...}
if not x then x = f:match('^.', i); t = T_NOCHANGE; end --the rest - one by one
if x then i = i + x:len(); else i = i + 999; error("Invalid character in formula!!!!!!! : "..f) end
first = "false"
return t, x
function p._chem(args)
local f = args[1] or ''
f = string.gsub(f, "–", "-") -- replace – with -
f = string.gsub(f, "−", "-") -- replace – with -
local sumO = 0
local formula = ''
local t, x
local link = args['link'] or ""
local auto = args['auto'] or ""
if not (link == '') then formula = formula .. "[[" .. link .. "|"; end -- wikilink start [[link|
for t, x in item(f) do
if t == T_ELEM then if (auto == '') then formula = formula .. x elseif am[x] then formula = formula .. am[x]; am[x] = x else formula = formula .. x end
elseif t == T_COEFFICIENT then formula = formula .. x
elseif t == T_NUM then formula = formula .. su("", x);
elseif t == T_OPEN then formula = formula .. x; sumO = sumO + 1; -- ( {
elseif t == T_CLOSE then formula = formula .. x; sumO = sumO -1; -- ) }
elseif t == T_PM_CHARGE then formula = formula .. su(string.gsub(x, "-", "−"), "");
elseif t == T_SUF_CHARGE then
formula = formula .. su(string.gsub(string.match(x, "[+-]"), "-", "−"), string.match(x, "%d+"), "");
elseif t == T_SUF_CHARGE2 then
formula = formula .. su(string.sub(string.gsub(string.match(x, "%(%d*[+-]"), "-", "−"), 2, -1), string.match(x, "%d+"))
elseif t == T_CHARGE then formula = formula .. "<sup>"; if string.match(x, "%d+") then formula = formula .. string.match(x, "%d+"); end formula = formula .. string.gsub(string.match(x, "[%+-]"), "-", "−") .. "</sup>"; -- can not concatenat a nil value from string.match(x, "%d+");
elseif t == T_CRYSTAL then formula = formula .. DotIt() .. string.gsub( x, "*", ' ', 1 );
elseif t == T_SPECIAL then
parameter = string.sub(x, 2, 2) -- x fra \x
if parameter == "s" then formula = formula .. "–" -- single bond
elseif parameter == "d" then formula = formula .. "=" -- double bond
elseif parameter == "t" then formula = formula .. "≡" -- tripple bond
elseif parameter == "q" then formula = formula .. "≣" -- Quadruple bond
elseif parameter == "h" then formula = formula .. "η" -- η, hapticity
elseif parameter == "-" then formula = formula .. "-" -- -
elseif parameter == "\\" then formula = formula .. "\\" -- \
elseif parameter == "\'" then formula = formula .. "'" -- html-code for '
elseif t == T_SPECIAL2 then -- \y{x}
parameter = string.sub(x, 2, 2) -- y fra \y{x}
if parameter == "h" then --[[Hapticity]]
if (auto == '') then formula = formula .. "η<sup>" .. string.match(x, '%d+') .. "</sup>−"
formula = formula .. "[[Hapticity|η<sup>" .. string.match(x, '%d+') .. "</sup>]]−"
-- elseif parameter == "i" then formula = formula .. su(string.match(x, '%d+'), "") -- [[isotope]]
elseif parameter == "m" then formula = formula .. "μ<sup>" .. string.match(x, '%d+') .. "</sup>−" -- mu ([[bridging ligand]])
elseif t == T_WATER then
if string.match(x, "^%*[%d.]") then
formula = formula .. DotIt() .. string.match(x, "%f[%.%d]%d*%.?%d*%f[^%.%d%]]") .. "H<sub>2</sub>O";
formula = formula .. DotIt() .. "H<sub>2</sub>O";
-- not (auto == nil or auto == '') then formula = formula .. DotIt ..
-- "[[Water of crystallization|H<sub>2</sub>O]]";
-- else
-- formula = formula ..
-- DotIt .. "H<sub>2</sub>O";
---- xxx brug af sub til tal
-- end
elseif t == T_UNDERSCORE then formula = formula .. su("", string.sub(x,3,-2)) -- x contains _{string}
elseif t == T_CARET then formula = formula .. su(string.sub(x,3,-2), "") -- x contains ^{string}
elseif t == T_ARROW_R then formula = formula .. " → "
elseif t == T_ARROW_EQ then formula = formula .. " ⇌ "
elseif t == T_NOCHANGE then formula = formula .. x; -- The rest - everything which isn't captured by the regular expresions. E.g. wikilinks and pipes
else error('unreachable - ???') end -- in fact, unreachable
-- Removed: Gives false positive for wikilinks, like {{chem2|[[Nitrogen|N]]}}.
-- if sumO > 0 then formula = formula .. "<span style=\"display:none;font-size:100%\" class=\"error citation-comment\"> Too many (</span>;"
-- elseif sumO < 0 then formula = formula .. "'<span style=\"display:none;font-size:100%\" class=\"error citation-comment\"> Too many )</span>;"
-- end
if not (link == nil or link == '') then formula = formula .. "]]"; end -- wikilink closing ]]
return formula
function p.chem(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._chem(args)
return p